About Amy’s Daisies


Amy’s Daisies is a preschool that is primarily inspired by the philosophy of Waldorf education. This safe and comfortable early childhood environment provides a nurturing and joyful atmosphere for fun, learning, and love.

Self-initiated creative and imaginative play is the foundation for early childhood learning. The children are given ample time for indoor and outdoor play. The have multi-sensory experiences throughout a balanced and rhythmic day which supports their development.

The children cultivate important work habits through purposeful work like helping with food preparation, setting the table, and cleaning. Life habits are instilled when children can help prepare a snack, help put away the toys, learn to put on their coats, and tie their own shoes.

Amy’s Daisies protects children from the adverse effects of electronic media. There are no televisions, video games, or computers for the children to see or use. Amy’s Daisies greatly values that young children directly hear the human voice, both spoken and sung. For this reason, there is no recorded music.

Amy’s Daisies is for children ages from 2 to 5 and being potty trained is not required. Amy’s Daisies has a maximum of 6 children per day to ensure individual attention is given to each child.

Facility #376628285


Activity of the Day
Monday - Crafts when doing seasonal projects
Tuesday - Yoga
Wednesday - Chopping Vegetables
Thursday - Painting
Friday - Baking

Daily Rhythm
8:30 - Arrive
8:45 - Circle and yoga
9:15 - Wash hands and morning snack
9:30 - Potty, wash hands, outdoor play
11:00 - Potty, wash hands, activity of the day
11:15 - Free play
11:50 - Lunch preparation and table setting
12:00 - Story
12:10 - Wash hands and lunch
12:45 - Potty and wash hands
1:00 - Foot massages and nap
3:00 - Wake up, potty, wash hands, and snack
3:30 - Pick up


Mama’s nIghts

Once a season, Ms. Amy cooks for all the mamas (papas welcome too)! The mamas get a night off from the little one(s) and they all come to the school to relax and bond. It’s a safe space for the mamas to honestly talk through their challenges, fears, joys, and triumphs. We offer each other support and enjoy each others’ company. There may also be a cheeky glass of wine or two!


my books


I have a Waldorf-inspired children’s book with felted puppets for illustrations available on Amazon!

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What is Waldorf Education?


Here is a wonderful YouTube video about the Waldorf pedagogy by Sunday with Sarah: